In today’s approach to health, there is a noticeable trend towards returning to early, even ancient concepts. The advancement of science and technology has allowed us to understand the principles of the functioning of individual cells and atoms, and it has been discovered that these principles also govern the overall functioning of the human body and all natural processes. This order and interdependence were described thousands of years ago by Chinese medicine, which used this acquired knowledge in a broad sense of therapy and patient recovery. Can we also utilize it today? Let’s try to find an answer to this question.

PLANT SUPPORT IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE phytotherapy – help from nature

We all expect old age, which will bring us joy and a sense of fulfillment in life. At the same time, we would like to be aware that our perception of the world will not be affected by dementia processes. Unfortunately, the statistics are inexorable and clearly show that about 4% of us after the age of 65 may suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The number of cases is growing drastically among 80-year-olds and is already 30%. Additionally, each year these numbers increase.

HASHIMOTO DISEASE – Regain control of your hormones

Hashimoto’s disease is a chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis. The disease belongs to the group of autoimmune diseases. The immune system considers the thyroid gland to be a foreign body that it intends to fight. The entire process begins to produce antibodies that attack the cells of this organ. A complementary test that is worth performing is the EHA – elemental hair analysis – which allows you to diagnose the level of, among others, iodine, zinc, and selenium, as well as other elements that are nutritional factors involved in both the proper functioning of the thyroid gland and in the pathogenesis of thyroid gland diseases.

Effective diagnostics of the causes of excessive hair loss and balding EHA – elemental hair analysis

Excessive hair loss is a problem that affects both women and men. Physiologically, we lose 50 to 100 telogen hair (hair in the resting stage) every day. If it’s more than this, we’re dealing with balding, which affects scalp hair, although not all areas of the scalp are equally susceptible to it. From the point of view of a functional medicine specialist, the most common causes of hair loss seen in the clinic are hypothyroidism (including atrophic Hashimoto’s thyroiditis), vitamin and mineral deficiencies (including iron, vitamin B12, folic acid, vitamin D3), omega-3 deficiency, active viral and bacterial infections (including Helicobacter pylori),

It’s not only diabetics who need CHROMIUM – it’s an element essential for life

Chromium is a chemical element discovered in 1797 by the French chemistry professor Louis Nicolas Vauquelin. It belongs to the group of transition metals, and its name comes from the Greek word “colour”, as depending on the degree of oxidation, it forms compounds in various colours. For the human body, chromium is important in oxidation state III.

Decreased libido, bloating and oestrogen, do they have something in common?

Modern women are suffering from more and more hormonal disorders and related symptoms, which include irregular, painful menstruation, periodic swollen and tender breasts, decreased libido, as well as breast and genital tumours. They are also increasingly getting treated for infertility. However, not everyone is aware that the symptoms of hormonal imbalance also include common fatigue, bloating, flatulence, constipation, and a sluggish metabolism; most people also don’t know that hormonal disorders don’t affect only women, and are also a problem for many men.

What are the causes of high blood pressure?

According to the health statistics of industrialised countries, high blood pressure is no longer a disease that’s associated with obesity. Even slim people are susceptible to it. Officially, 25% of the population aged between 20 and 60 years have high blood pressure. This number rises dramatically among people over 70 years old. These days, this insidious and life-threatening disease is also reported among children. It’s assumed that approximately 8 million people have high blood pressure in Poland. If left untreated, it inevitably leads to heart attacks, cerebral haemorrhage, as well as premature failure or weakening of the walls of the arteries and blood vessels. The widely held belief that high blood pressure can be controlled only pharmacologically is untrue.