Reduced stomach acidity a cause of anaemia, obesity and even allergies and autoimmune diseases

Excessive flatulence, bloating, constipation or diarrhoea, burping, a feeling of heaviness or nausea after meals, lack of appetite for meat or a desire to eat despite having a full stomach, heartburn, reflux, and a sour aftertaste in the mouth are just some of the symptoms of insufficient stomach acid. If you also suffer from allergies, psoriasis, or malabsorption, have observed recurring rashes, are underweight or obese, have brittle nails, hair loss or undigested food in your stool, it most likely means that your stomach is secreting too little stomach acid.

What are the causes of high blood pressure?

According to the health statistics of industrialised countries, high blood pressure is no longer a disease that’s associated with obesity. Even slim people are susceptible to it. Officially, 25% of the population aged between 20 and 60 years have high blood pressure. This number rises dramatically among people over 70 years old. These days, this insidious and life-threatening disease is also reported among children. It’s assumed that approximately 8 million people have high blood pressure in Poland. If left untreated, it inevitably leads to heart attacks, cerebral haemorrhage, as well as premature failure or weakening of the walls of the arteries and blood vessels. The widely held belief that high blood pressure can be controlled only pharmacologically is untrue.