What is EHA?
Elemental Hair Analysis is a proven and effective method for diagnosing your health and the health of your loved ones. Based on 29 elements, the results of this test will show imbalances in the body, and changes in elements and their interrelationships better than other methods.
Why EHA instead of a urine or blood test?
EHA gives the most-reliable results on the body’s mineral content, because the results of this test determine imbalances in the body and changes of elements and their interrelationships much more reliably than blood or urine tests. There are many reasons why you should choose EHA. One of the most-important of these is the reliability of the reading. Blood tests are often invaluable. The problem is that the results reflect only the state at the given moment in time, and don’t communicate what’s happening in the body over time at cellular level. Blood only carries substances (e.g. vitamins, minerals, glucose, hormones etc.), while cells are the final recipient. And even though a test that determines the level of glucose in the blood can be regarded as useful, it doesn’t answer basic questions, such as: why do its readings vary, or why is it present in urine? Why is the insulin circulating in the blood unable to bring it into the cells? These questions can be answered by assessing the level of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ minerals at cellular level.
Determining the amount of elements using a blood test doesn’t show their amounts in the whole body. The blood has mechanisms that equalise the amount of elements in the serum at the expense of their reserves in tissues. This means that despite a seemingly correct concentration of elements in the blood, their amount in the body may be insufficient. Elemental hair analysis is different – It shows the actual quantities of the elements in the body, drawing the most-indicative picture of their excesses and shortages.
EHA – Diagnostics recommended by specialists

It allows me to check what pathogenic changes have occurred in the body over even several months. I am a supporter of the use of high-quality non-invasive methods, and EHA is the perfect answer to my needs and an effective tool in my work. The ratios of individual elements proving the nutritional status of the body, the heavy metal load, often significantly above the norm, hormone lability, or the metabolic type, all have a significant impact on the general health of the patient and the effects of the implemented therapies.”
doctor of natural sciences, microbiologist, immunologist and psycho-dietician

clinical and sports nutritionist, laboratory diagnostician, dietocoach, trainer

general practitioner