ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE part 2 – How to keep your brain healthy with diet and supplements

There is a temporal relationship between the emergence of disease epidemics autoimmune and neurodegenerative (which we can de facto include in the former groups). We associate the severity of these diseases with the mid-nineties, i.e., the moment when we started to change the composition of food, add to it various toxins, which initiated the process

Zinc deficiency and supplementation

Zinc is one of the most-important trace elements in the body. It’s a component of over 300 enzymes and proteins, and plays a crucial role in the synthesis of steroid hormones. What products is it found in? Meat, seafood and whole grains are the richest source of zinc. It’s worth noting, however, that only 30% of zinc taken with food is actually absorbed. For men, absorption ranges between 8mg and 15mg per day, and for women, it’s approximately 8mg per day. With age, zinc absorption decreases even more, and even though zinc excretion decreases proportionally, remember to consume enough to maintain a safe balance.