PLANT SUPPORT IN ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE phytotherapy – help from nature

We all expect old age, which will bring us joy and a sense of fulfillment in life. At the same time, we would like to be aware that our perception of the world will not be affected by dementia processes. Unfortunately, the statistics are inexorable and clearly show that about 4% of us after the age of 65 may suffer from Alzheimer’s disease. The number of cases is growing drastically among 80-year-olds and is already 30%. Additionally, each year these numbers increase.

Cleanse your body and improve immunity – phytotherapy and eliminating silicon deficiency

In nature, silicon (Latin silicium) occurs mainly in the form of the above-mentioned silicates and silica with the formula SiO2. The silicon content in the lithosphere is 276,000 [ppm], and in terms of quantity, it’s second behind oxygen. Under the influence of water and carbon dioxide, silicates are broken down into the final product, which is silica, for example, quartz sand. Its best-known form is the transparent mountain crystal, which, similar to black flint, is used to make silicon water.