LITHIUM, the element of longevity, part 2 – what are the symptoms of lithium deficiency and when is it worth supplementing?

If your child starts having problems in both learning and behavior, it is worth thinking about lithium and checking whether its level in EHA is appropriate. This is especially true for children on the autism spectrum. Lithium is also very helpful in treating ADHD as well as post-traumatic stress or long-term chronic stress, such as

Diet therapy and supplementation supporting speech development in autistic children

Speech is one of the most important forms of human activity, and its disturbances have consequences in both social and cognitive functioning. It develops by leaps and bounds. At the beginning it is a cry, scream, whining, an attempt to communicate with the environment. About the second month we may observe babbling, that is sounds

Constipation – prevention and treatment

The 21st century is not conducive to gut health. Stress, poor diet, antibiotics and environmental pollution have a negative impact on the digestive system. That’s why dieticians often see people with digestive disorders in their clinics – almost half of all clients have this type of ailment. Of course, each case must be approached individually.

The vegan diet and iron deficiency – must one always accompany the other?

It’s widely believed that vegans and vegetarians are very susceptible to iron deficiency because as we know, the reason for insufficient iron is not enough being supplied in food to meet the body’s needs. Unfortunately, often, a seemingly healthy but actually poorly designed plant-based diet not only doesn’t have enough iron but also hinders iron absorption due to the presence of fibre, phytates, oxalates and polyphenols. So how can we balance the vegetarian and vegan menus to not risk anaemia and other dangerous effects of iron deficiency, and is this even possible?

Effective diagnostics of the causes of excessive hair loss and balding EHA – elemental hair analysis

Excessive hair loss is a problem that affects both women and men. Physiologically, we lose 50 to 100 telogen hair (hair in the resting stage) every day. If it’s more than this, we’re dealing with balding, which affects scalp hair, although not all areas of the scalp are equally susceptible to it. From the point

Hashimoto’s disease – why mineralization is so important

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of thyroiditis and one of the most common causes of goitre, i.e. enlargement of the thyroid gland. Dr Anna Romaniuk in her lecture, explains the causes of this disease, the most important effects and possible causes of dealing with it. Dr. also notes the important role of EHA