DIABETES AND HEAVY METALS: Is There a Connection? Uncovering the Impact of Heavy Metals on Diabetes in India

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases affecting millions of people worldwide. The situation in India is particularly alarming, as the country is grappling with a growing diabetes epidemic. There are various factors that contribute to the development of diabetes, including genetics, lifestyle, and environmental factors. In recent years, scientists have begun to investigate the possible links between exposure to heavy metals and diabetes. In this article, we will explore this issue and the scientific evidence that suggests a connection between these two problems.

HEAVY METAL CONTAMINATION IN INDIA: How Hair Mineral Analysis Helps in Effective Diagnosis and Monitoring

India faces a significant challenge due to heavy metal pollution, with contaminants such as lead, mercury, and cadmium affecting various aspects of life. The impact of these pollutants on human health can be severe, leading to neurological disorders, gastrointestinal problems, and even cancer. As a rapidly developing nation, India needs to address this growing concern to ensure the well-being of its citizens.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE part 2 – How to keep your brain healthy with diet and supplements

There is a temporal relationship between the emergence of disease epidemics autoimmune and neurodegenerative (which we can de facto include in the former groups). We associate the severity of these diseases with the mid-nineties, i.e., the moment when we started to change the composition of food, add to it various toxins, which initiated the process of destroying the intestinal mucosa and consequently led to the leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune processes. Alzheimer’s disease is progressive neurodegenerative disease that was first described in 1906 by the German neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer.

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE part 1 – Causes and prevention based on the latest research

Alzheimer’s is a neurodegenerative disease that usually develops very gradually and is very complex. From seemingly insignificant problems with concentration, through small memory loss to the development of dementia disorders noticeable by everyone else. The causes of Alzheimer’s have not been fully understood; hence it is impossible to present one effective one way to prevent it. However, the development of medical sciences, the involvement of scientific teams around the world and the results of their latest research shed some light on the mechanism the development of Alzheimer’s disease and hence in ways to prevent it.