LITHIUM, the element of longevity, part 1 – mechanism of action

Lithium compounds have been the most popular mood stabilizers for years. Lithium was first used pharmacologically in the 19th century and is known to have a preventive effect on recurrent depression. After the discovery of the anti-manic effects of lithium, it has been used for over sixty years in the treatment of bipolar disorder in

ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE part 2 – How to keep your brain healthy with diet and supplements

There is a temporal relationship between the emergence of disease epidemics autoimmune and neurodegenerative (which we can de facto include in the former groups). We associate the severity of these diseases with the mid-nineties, i.e., the moment when we started to change the composition of food, add to it various toxins, which initiated the process of destroying the intestinal mucosa and consequently led to the leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune processes. Alzheimer’s disease is progressive neurodegenerative disease that was first described in 1906 by the German neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer.