Hashimoto’s disease – why mineralization is so important

Hashimoto’s disease is the most common cause of thyroiditis and one of the most common causes of goitre, i.e. enlargement of the thyroid gland. Dr Anna Romaniuk in her lecture, explains the causes of this disease, the most important effects and possible causes of dealing with it. Dr. also notes the important role of EHA diagnostics as a starting point for determining the best treatment path.

    • what are the causes and mechanism of Hashimoto’s disease?
    • what role does proper mineralization play in its treatment?
    • What is EHA diagnostics and how can it help?

These and other questions will be answered by dr Anna Romaniuk – a microbiologist, immunologist, psychodietician.
Watch the full material.


1. Appropriate macro- and microelements are necessary to maintain normal thyroid function. The scientific literature highlights, in particular, the role of iodine and selenium,  selenium as nutritional factors involved in both the normal thyroid function as well as in the pathogenesis of this gland’s disease.
2. Among the factors that cause Hashimoto’s disease are both genetic and environmental factors, which include passing a viral or bacterial infection, stress and smoking, external radiation or treatment with radioactive iodine, as well as selenium deficiency and excess iodine. The EHA test allows diagnostics of iodine and selenium levels, as well as proportions to other elements important for these minerals.